Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

Organizations of sessions, workshops and conferences

  • Conference chair and organization of META'2012 Int. Conf. on Metaheuristics, Sousse, Tunisia, Oct 2012.

  • Program chair of NIDISC'2012 workshop on Nature Inspired Distributed Computing in cunjunction with IEEE/ACM IPDPS'2012, Shanghai, China, May 2012.

  • Organization of the Theory of Randomized Search Heuristics Workshop (ThRaSH'2012), Lille, France, May 2012

  • Organization of the French summer school on evolutionary computation (EA'2012), Quiberon, France, June 2012

  • Co-organization of the evolutionary multiobjective optimization session at EURO 2012 (Vilnius, Lithuania)

  • Scientific commitee for conference CPAIOR 2012 (Nantes)

  • Organization commitee for RIO conference 2012 (Valenciennes)

  • Co-guest-editor for a special issue on Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimziation in the Journal of Multi-criteria Decision Analysis (Wiley)

  • Co-organizer of the PPSN'2012 workshop on Theoretical Aspects of Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization, Taormina, Italy, September 1, 2012, together with Gunter Rudolph (TU Dortmund University, Germany)

  • Organization of the “Intelligent optimization in Bioinformatics” session at LION'2012 (LION-BIO), Paris, France, January 2012.

Research management

  • Manager (Chargé de mission) of supercomputing for Université Lille 1.

  • Scientific leader for Lille of the Grid'5000 nation-wide and EGI european-wide grid infrastructures.

  • Scientific leader of the challenge “Large scale combinatorial optimization" of the HEMERA nation-wide grid and cloud computing research action (AEN) of Inria.

  • Member of the steering committee of the Aladdin-Grid5000 nation-wide technological developement action of Inria.

  • Co-leader of the PPF “Supercomputing" at Université Lille 1.

  • Coordinator of the High Performance Computing research action at LIFL labs.

  • co-leader of the group PM2O of the ROADEF

  • secreatary of the association Evolution Artificielle

  • Scientific co-leader of the EuroWorking Group on Pricing and Revenue Management.

  • Board Member of the ROADEF society.


Research projects
  • Reviewer of research projects, National Science Center, Poland.

  • Expert reviewer for the ANR “Emergence” programme.

  • Expert reviewer for the CNRS PEPS “Biologie-Mathématiques-Informatique” programme.

  • Expert reviewer BQR university of Paris 13

  • Expert reviewer for the ANR “Emergence” programme.

Journal papers
  • IEEE Transactions on Computers (IEEE TC).

  • Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC).

  • Parallel Computing.

  • Computational Optimization and Applications (COAP, Springer)

  • Engineering Optimization (GENO, Taylor & Francis)

  • European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR, Elsevier)

  • Journal of Heuristics (HEUR, Springer)

  • Knowledge-Based Systems (KNOSYS, Elsevier)

  • Evolving Systems

  • International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools (IJAIT)

  • Knowledge and Information Systems (KAIS)

  • Memetic Computing

  • Soft Computing

  • Supercomputing

  • Artificial Intelligence Journal

  • Evolutionary Computation

  • IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation

  • Journal of Multicriteria Decision Analysis

  • Systems, Man and Cybernetics - Part B

  • Theoretical Computer Science

  • Computers and operations Research

  • Transportation Science

  • Transportation Research

  • Operation Research

Program committees

  • IEEE CSE'2012, Track: Distributed and Parallel Computing.

  • High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS'2012).

  • IEEE IPDPS workshops: PCO'2012 and NIDISC'2012.

  • Grid'5000 school 2012.

  • 6th Learning and Intelligent OptimizatioN Conference, LION 2012 (Paris, France, 2012)

  • 12th European Conference on Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimisation, EvoCOP 2012 (Malaga, Spain, 2012)

  • Special Session on Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization, IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC-EMO 2012 (Brisbane, Australia, 2012)

  • Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (Philadelphia, USA, 2012) (GECCO'2012)

  • 2nd International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems, ICORES 2012 (Barcelona, Spain, 2012)

  • 13e congrès de la Société francaise de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la décision, ROADEF'2012 (angers, France, 2012)

  • Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO'2012)

  • Learning and Intelligent OptimizatioN (LION'2012)

  • Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN'2012)

  • Simulated Evolution And Learning (SEAL'2012)

  • BIOMA'2012 Fifth Int. Conf. on Bioinspired Optimization Methods and their Applications, Bohinj, Slovenia, May 2012.

  • GSC'2012 Workshop (Green Supply Chain 2012, Arras, May 2012.

  • EvoPar'2012, 1st EvoApplication track on Parallel Architectures and Distributed Infrastructures, Malaga, April 2012.

  • VANETs - from Theory to Practice (VTP 2012) workshop held in conjunction with the WoWMoM conference, San Francisco, USA, June 2012.

  • Advisory board of EVOLVE'2012, Mexico, Aug 2012.

  • SEAL'12 Ninth Int. Conf. on Simulated Evolution and Learning, Hanoi, Vietnam, Dec 2012.

  • GPC'2012 Int. Conf. On Grid and Pervasive Computing, Hong Kong, May 2012.

  • IC3'2012 Int. Conf. On Contemporary Computing, New Delhi, India, Aug 2012.

  • SCCG'2012 Int. Workshop on Soft Computing Techniques in Cluster and Grid Computing Systems in conjunction with Int. Conf. On P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing (3PGCIC), Victoria, Canada, Nov 2012.

  • TPNC'2012 Int. Conf. on the Theory and Practice of Natural Computing, Tarragona, Spain, Sept 2012.

  • INNOV'2012 Int. Conf. on Communications, Computations, Networks and Technologies, Venice, Italy, Oct 2012.

  • HPCS'2012 Int. Conf. on High Performance Computing and Simulation, Madrid, Spain, July 2012.

  • GECCO'2012 (Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference),Philapdelphia, USA.

  • PPSN XII (Parallel Problem Solving Conference), Taormina, Italy, Sept 2012.

  • EvoCop'2012 (Int. Conf of Evolcutionary Computation for Combinatorial Optimization), Malaga, Spain, Apr 2012

  • EvoBio'2012 (European Workshop on Evolutionary Computation and Bioinformatics), Malaga, Spain, Apr 2013.

  • NPC'2012 (IFIP NPC International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing), Gwangju, Korea, Sept 2012

  • BICCIB'2012 (International Conference on Biologically Inspired Computing and Computers in Biology), San Diego, USA, May 2012

Phd committees

L. Brotcorne was a jury member of the following PhD thesis:

  • Pierre Lebodic, “ Variantes non strandards de Problèmes d'optimisation combinatoires”, Université de Paris Sud, Sept 2012, Jury member (referee): L. Brotcorne.

C. Dhaenens was a jury member of the following PhD thesis:

  • Ahmed Atahran, “Etude et résolution d'un problème de Transport à la demande”, Université de Tours, Dec 2012. Jury: C. Dhaenens (referee), C. Lenté, O. Péton, F. Semet, V. T'kindt, R. Wolfer Cavalo.

  • Nadarajen Veerapen, “controle autonome d'opérateurs pour la recherche locale”, Université d'Angers, Nov 2012. Jury: L. Bordeaux, C. Dhaenens( referee), Y. Hamadi, B. Mazure, F. Saubion.

L. Jourdan was a jury member of the following PhD thesis:

  • Daniel de Angelis Cordeiro, “The impact of cooperation on new high performance computing platforms”, Université de Grenoble, encadrant : Denis Trystam - Feb 2012 Jury member (referee): L. Jourdan

  • Rong-Qiang Zeng Métaheuristiques Multi-objectif basées sur des voisinages pour l'approximation d'ensembles de Pareto Université d'Angers, encadrants : Jin-Kao Hao, Matthieu Basseur - July 2012 - Jury member (referee): L. Jourdan

  • Cecile Vila, “Optimisation multicritère prenant en compte les préférences de panels d'usagers: Application à l'éclairage de bureaux”, ENTPE Lyon, Dec 2012, L. Jourdan (referee).

  • Fréderic Lardeux, “Algorithmes autonomes et modélisations de problèmes”, Université d'Angers, encadrant : Frederic Saubion - Nov 2012- Jury member (referee): L. Jourdan

N. Melab participate to the following Phd/HDR juries:

  • Mohamed Esseghir Lalami, “Contribution à la résolution de problèmes d'optimisation combinatoire: méthodes heuristiques et parallèles”, Université de Toulouse, Oct 2012, Jury: N. Melab (referee)

  • Mouad Yagoubi, “Optimisation évolutionnaire multi-objectif parallèle : application à la combustion Diesel”, Université de Paris Sud XI, July 2012, Jury member: N.Melab.

  • Imen Ketata, “Méthode de découverte de sources de données en environnement de grille de données tenant compte de la sémantique”, Université Paul Sabatier, Jan 2012, Jury member: N.Melab.

E-G. Talbi participate to the following Phd/HDR juries:

  • C. Rego (HDR), “Heuristic search and learning for combinatorial optimization”, University of Versailles Saint-Quentin en Yvelines, Jan 2012, Jury : A. Bui, F. Glover, A. Lokketangen, C. Roucairol, E-G. Talbi (reviewer), M. Widmer.

  • D. Delahaye (HDR), “Modélisation et optimisation du trafic aérien”, Ecole Nationale d'Aviation Civile de Toulouse, Mar 2012, Jury : J-K. Hao, M. Mongeau, M. Sevaux, M. Schoenauer, E-G. Talbi (reviewer).

  • Jesica De Armas Adrian, “Cutting problems: Parallel exact and approximate approaches for mono-objective and multi-objecive formulation”, University of La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain, Apr 2012, Reviewer.

  • I. Michael Scriven, “Derivation and application of approximate electromagnetic noise models using decentralized parallel particle swarm optimization”, Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia, July 2012, Jury : A. Lewis, E-G. Talbi, J-W. Lu.

  • Tony Wauters, “Reinforcement learning enhanced heuristic search for combinatorial optimization”, University of Gant, Belgium, Nov 2012, Jury: D. Cattrysse, P. De Causmaecker, A. Nowé, E-G. Talbi, K. Tuyls, G. Vanden Berghe, K. Verbeeck

  • Afetah Moghaddam, “Production scheduling - Unavailability of the resources”, Université Technologique de Troyes, Troyes, France, Nov 2012, Jury: R. Aggoune, H. E. Aguirre, L. Amodeo, N. Sauer, E-G. Talbi, J. Teghem, F. Yalaoui

  • Yuhan Guo, “Metaheuristics for solving large size long-term car pooling problem and an extension”, Université d'Artois, Béthune, France, Nov 2012. Jury: V-D. Cung, G. Goncalves, J-K. Hao, T. Hsu, M-J. Huguet, E-G. Talbi. President.

  • Carlos Segura Gonzalez, “Parallel optimization schemes: A hybrid scheme based on hyperheuristics and evolutionary computation”, Dec 2012, University of La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain. Reviewer.

  • S. Puechmorel (HDR), “Modèles dynamiques en gestion du trafic aérien”, Dec 2012, Ecole Nationale d'Aviation Civile de Toulouse, Reviewer.


  • President of the Technological Development Commission (CDT) of Inria Lille.

  • Member of the admission committee of associate professors (COS- MCF) in computer science at Université du Littoral - Côte d'Opale.

  • Expert member for the AEQES Belgium agency for the evaluation of teaching - evaluation of Bachelor and Master in computer science and engineering teaching at UMONS, UCL and ULB universities.

  • Presidence of the CER commission of the Lille Inria center (Commission des Emplois de Recherche).

  • Member of the admission committee of associate professors (COS- MCF) in operations research at Université de Tours.

  • Member of the admission committee of associate professors (COS- MCF) in operations research at Université de Grenoble.

  • Member of the admission committee of associate professors (COS- MCF) in Applied Mathematics at Université Lille 3.

  • Invited Member on the Inria CR Evaluation Commission.

  • Invited Member of the Inria COST GTRI.

  • Président du jury du prix de la TSL (Transportation and Logistics Sections) Informs 2012.

  • Membre de la commission de selection des Bourses Eole attribuées par le réseau Franco Néerlandais

  • Déléguée Scientifique des Relations Internationale du Centre de Lille